Nurturing the fruits of the great harvest

In this post we are going to take our key point from Ephesians 6:4 , there, the Bible said; “And, ye fathers provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.”
Harvest time is always a happy time to the sower. It is a time in which all the efforts put into labours is rewarded. To the lord, the world is a field cultivated by Him, and men are the fruits.
Christ while on earth revealed that;
“The harvest truly is plenteous but the labourers are few.” Matthew 9:37. Your part in the labour for souls is preaching to sinners and sometimes follow-up and nurturing new converts in maturity. After souls are won into the Kingdom, Christians should immediately get involved in following up the converts and encourage them to continue in their new found faith.
We should not forget that establishing new converts is a concern to God. Hence, there is the need for prompt and proper follow-up and nurturing of the new converts to maturity. To avoid losing them into the world and Satan, every believer in Christi must be up and doing in laboring the Kingdom which is the main priority of our existence on earth, therefore, we must rise and get involved at this time of great harvest. Going to church is not the ultimate but what count is what you did for the Kingdom of God. God is looking up to us, and as obedient children of the Kingdom and faithful believers, we should not disappoint God in this great commission which He have entrusted into our hand at this moment of our life.
Satan and his cohort are in great sorrow when a soul is delivered from their captive and he look for all means to bring them back into bondage, if we fail to go and nurture that converts in the church of God Satan will have advantage over them and bring them into perpetual bondage, therefore, we must rise and save those souls from going to hell. Remember,  you will be held responsible if you fail to nurture the souls of the new believers in the church.
 In Ezekiel 33:6 it says;  “But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any take any  person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand.” Also read verse 7 – 9.
There is danger if we fail to do what God expects us to do (saving the souls of men and women around us), God will hold us responsible for their loss. As you are reading this post now, I hope you are remembering the souls around you and in the church that you have being neglecting? Now is the time to take a bull by the horn and make sure they are nurtured and preserved for the coming of Christ.
I will not fail to tell you that you will not do this if you are not born-again, you must first surrender your life to Christ Jesus, the Savour of the world.

Also read: The painstaking labour and profits to nurture the fruits of the great harvest

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