Whoever desires to make heaven as his place of
abode at last must strive to have
dominion over sin, self and Satan. Dominion over sin, self and Satan make us
complete Christian. To have dominion over sin, self and Satan, therefore, is to
rule over them and not them ruling over us in any form. “For sin shall not have
dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace” Romans 6:14.
The grace of God gives us complete victory.
Looking at
the possibilities of dominion over sin,
we find out that at creation, man was not made to be overcome by sin. God made
everything about is righteous and perfect until the fall of Adam and Eve. They
had dominion in the garden over all
things but the fall of man turned thins
around and brought man under. Sin consequently took over the nature of man and
thereby becoming the enemy of God. A Christian who is controlled by son will
smoke, drink, fight, commit immorality and cheat in office or school during
examinations without feeling condemned because he is dead in sin. Through
repentance, one receives pardon and freedom from sin and condemnation (Proverbs
To have
dominion over sin, one must acknowledge his sin, repent and forsake all the
sins and accept Jesus Christ as Lord and savior. Then you can begin to enjoy
dominion over sin.
Job in the
book of Job 31:1, clearly stated that he “made a covenant with his eye”, while
Proverbs 25:28 instruct that “he that hath no rule over his own spirit is
like a city that is broken down, and without a wall”.
From the
above passages, we find that we can control and rule our body in order to have
dominion over self. Our actions are product of self. The ability to control
self has great gain in life. Temperance is an act of sensible moderation or
self-discipline toward many things including dressing, eating and talking.
abound of people that do not manifest self-control. These include:
Cain – He killed his own brother due to
uncontrolled emotion (Genesis 4:8)
Esau – he sold his birthright due to
uncontrolled appetite (Hebrews 12:16, 17)
Demas – He lost the control of the urge to
become worldly (2 Timothy 4: 10)
There is
however examples of those that manifested self-control which brought blessings
and promotion to their lives:
Abraham – He did not allow problems to prevail
between him lot (Genesis 13:7,8).
Hannah- She never answered anyone roughly (1
Samuel 1:12-15).
are to have dominion over self in what they practice, the way they dress and
where they go. Remember Dinah (Genesis 34:1-5).
To have
dominion over sin and self, we must conquer the muster which is the devil
first. Once, a Christian decide to surrender his life to Christ through genuine
repentance, such become a child of God then the name of Jesus now work for him
and brings power of God to bear in his life. “Ye are of god, little children,
and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is
in the world” (1 John 4:4). As a Christian, recognize the power of God
in you and put it to use. The blood of Jesus is ever powerful – so plead it (Revelation
12:11). Now, you can exercise authority and dominion over Satan. You can ask
anything in faith through the name of Jesus and exercise your dominion over all
the activities of the devil and remain victorious.
Know that at
the mention of the name Jesus, every kneel must bow. Don’t rely on yourself
ability to overcome. Take what belongs to you y force. The scripture said “from
the time of John the Baptist till now the kingdom of darkness suffereth
violent, but only the violent shall take it by force” Matthew 11:12.
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