Today we are going to be looking at a very important subject that believer have often neglected and have deviated from as a result of worldly gains.

STEADFSTNESS IN CHRISTIAN WALK lets talk a look into the scriptures in Genesis 5: 21 – 24, 12: 1- 4; Ephesians 4: 1, 17.

As the programme of this age is quickly running to an end, the wave of inconsistency, spiritual shallowness, coldness, luckwarmness and outright backsliding or apostasy seems to be on the increase. The reality and possibility of looking and sliding back because of the influence of the present world seem to be more imminent than in days gone by. More pertinent is the fact that young people stand a greater danger and risk of being infected with the spirit of modernism, liberation, permissiveness, etc. that characterize most Christian and assemblies all around. Therefore, discovering the secrets of steadfastness in Christian walk with God is one sure antidote against backsliding. God’s call to
steadfast walk with him was not limited to the time of Enoch or Abraham rather it is for all believers in the scripture. If you discover these secret today, you have discovered the secret of victorious living.
How to begin to walk in Christ as a Christian walk:
1.       Preparation for Steadfastness in Christian walk-  Matthew 4: 17-22
The natural law of growth clearly shows that there must be a birth before a walk.
Everyone that hopes to enjoy steadfastness in Christian walk must have a spiritual birth into God’s Kingdom. The must be genuine salvation experience. It should also be realized that it is a call to a life of separation from the world and its allurement; a life of self-denial, a life of discipleship. Answering the call is just the beginning of a lifelong walk with God.
In all the most important of all that there must be; Repentance from all form of sin, Forsaking all sinful nature and following Christ in all His ways.

2.       Patterns of steadfastness in Christian walk – John 15:1-7
The scripture is full of divinely approved proven blueprints for steadfastness in Christian walk. Every Christian therefore should endeavour to apply these principles in order to maintain steadfastness in walking with God.
                T walk in with god there must be:
i.                     Closeness to the word of God
ii.                   Consistency to prayer
iii.                  Consistency in fellowship
iv.                 Commitment to god’s word
v.                   Abiding in Christ
Remember that a life that is lives in commitment to evangelism and God’s work is a life that will not be available as devil’s tools. The more a believer evangelizes the more he warns himself of the deceitfulness of sins and keeps away from its damning consequences.

Make sure you go to the Lord in prayers to direct and help you to steadfastly walk with Him all the days of your life…

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