Getting connected in Christ

When you read the book of John 15:14, you will find out that we are commanded to love god with all our heart in order to obtain all the good thing of the Kingdom, Christ clearly stat that “without me you can do nothing” therefore, we are top get connected to the Lord as he is the source of everything we need to succeed in life because as many the received Him to them he gave the power to become the sons of God even to them that believe in His name. in Him we grow, in Him we are glorified. In Him we bear fruits of righteousness. In him we get every good thing that makes life enjoyable.
What is connected?
It means to be joined to something or somebody. Then, getting connected means that we are to continue and not to stop being joined to our Lord Jesus Christ who is our source of power and joy. We can not do without him but can do all thing through Him that strengthens us.
 Jesus said he is the true vine. God is the
husbandman, any branch that bears not fruit He removes. He prunes the braches that to be more fruitful and strong when we remain in Christ we bear fruit.
Here Jesus lays down principles we should adopt to get what we want and His Father love:
1.       Abide in the words of God.
2.       Obey His commandment.
3.       You must commune with God always in the Holy Eucharist
4.       We should always be spirit driven in everything we do each day.
5.       Letting God dictate the way
“As many as are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God.” Romans 8:14
6.       Shun all evil vices and sinful practices
7.       Be a promoter of peace in your locality.
8.       Believer and obey the word of God and you shall be blessed; Deuteronomy 28:1-8
9.       Listen to the word of God because “faith cometh by hearing the word of God.
10.   Study the word of God daily Joshua1:8
11.   You must be baptizes; John 3:3-6.

Things that can make us not to be connected

·         Sin  -  Isaiah 59:1-2
·         Hardship   Romans 8:35-39
·         Ungodly company  Ephesians 5:6-8
·         Attachment to material thing  Matthew 16:26, Matthew 6:24
·         The flesh Galatians 5:15-21
·         Prayerlessness
·         Lukewarmness
·         Self sufficiency

Consequences of disconnecting from God
1.       Your prayer will be an abomination before God
2.       You will not bear fruit
3.       Rebellion against God
4.       Living a life of sin
5.       Damnation to hell fire
6.       Failure
7.       Frustration
8.       Inability to discern the move of God in your life
9.       Spiritual dryness
10.   Easily deceived
11.   Carnal life style

I want to assure you that you don’t need to fear because Christ has made every thing possible for you to enjoy. When you give your life to Him, he becomes the Lord of your life and never will He abandon you because you are too precious to be abandoned.
 There is numerous benefits you get when you joined yourself with Christ:
1.       In Him you are protected and saved. The scripture made it more clearly in the book of Psalms chapter 91 verse 1, it said; “he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.”
2.       Your prayers will not be hindered.
3.       You bear fruits Galatians 5:22
4.        You become a light unto His people
5.       The most important thing is that you will make heaven at last.
6.       You will always hear directly from God.
7.       You will have an ordered step. Am telling you, there are numerous benefits in Christ Jesus.
I want you to ask yourself these questions:

·         Does my life style, actions, decisions demonstrate that I believe what Jesus teaches/
·         What fruit do I produce? Matthew 7:20 said by their fruit we shall know them.
·         What am I doing to remain connected to the lord?
·         How am I growing in the Lord?
·         Is my life in line with the scripture?
·         If I die today, will I go to heaven?
Ask yourself these questions and return the answer to the Lord through prayers. I bet you he never sleeps or slumber, He will surely visit you with his mighty hand of deliverance. 

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