Friends, we are going to discuss an important issue that
most Christians neglect in the race which has been set before us.
According to the issue today, serving God without compromise
entails a life-long work and walk with the Lord in absolute obedience and good
discipline. The challenge of the Christian life is not only to accept Christ at
a moment of time, but to abide in Him continually. Thus, the emphasis is on
faithfulness, righteousness and the living out of the Christian life till the
Those who profess to believe in the lord need to realize the
necessity of continual devotion to the Lord.
First, they have a responsility to continue in the Word of
God “… if ye continue in my word, then
are ye my disciples indeed” (John 8:31).
Second, they are to continue in the love of
Christ, “As the Father hath loved me so have I
loved you: continue you in my love.” (John 15:9).
Third, they are to continue in the grace of God as believers
in the early Church were admonished by Apostle Paul “… to continue in the grace of God.” (Acts 13:43).
Finally, they are to continue in the faith and “through much tribulation enter into the
Kingdom of God” (Acts 14:22). The emphasis here is continuing – as failure
to do so will stop the flow of God’s grace and favour in our lives.
The secret of getting into heaven is to continue in the Word
of God – the doctrines of the Bible – even in the face of persecution,
tribulation and the changing realities of the time. Though evil men and
seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived, the believers
are enjoined to “continue in the things which thou has learned and hast been
assured of, knowing of whom thou has learned them.”
True disciples of Christ are those who continue in His word,
in love, in His grace, in obedience and in faith till the very end.
Christ’s searching question to believers today is - Do you
love me, more than the things we appreciate, love and have our mind upon Him? It may not be fish and net, but money,
business, family, status or position.
As Christ gave al for our redemption, He wants us to give all back to Him. He wants us to
surrender unto Him, without any reservation, to trust Him fully, without any
dabate or distrust; to obey Him, without compromising with the flesh and with
blood; to work for Him, without thinking of personal gain or reward; to be
faithful and loyal to Him without interruption and to follow Him without
looking back.
God wants everyone of us to give our all to him till the
very end of our stay here on earth.
Make the right decision today!
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