A life above

Colossians 3:1-10
Key Verse: If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God.” Vs. 1

                I have discovered that though it is the same scientific Homo sapiens that exists all through the surface of the earth, the factor that has made the difference between the different races and tribes of the earth is the state of their mind i.e. the thoughts that go through them. The reason why two tribes will continue to be in war for generations is because their ways (resulting from the state of the mind) do not agree. The reason why an end of the world would be more advanced than another is because these peoples have engaged their minds in various lines of thoughts. This defining factor also affects the spiritual realm.
A major difference between a true believer and an unbeliever is the state of their minds; their system of thoughts.

                If there is one thing the present day Christian needs to work incessantly upon; it is that he begins to think differently from the pattern of this world; our minds MUST be renewed (Romans 12:2). The unbeliever has no choice but to think according to the parameters of this world because that is the only realm he has access to. He is limited to the confinements of the earth. But, we are limitless, we have an exposure to a different realm and dimension. We have a connection to the supernatural, so, no longer can we afford to think like the natural man. Thinking like the natural man would be debasing on our own part. This truth, we must adequately comprehend because many Christians are viewing the life Christ offered us a weaker and limited life, where they are painful restrictions (these restrictions however, are our strength). This misconception is what leads many to the pursuit of the life below, the life that seeks the things of the earth.

                We are further made to know that the decision not to seek the life above is the reason why the wrath of God is coming upon the people of the world (vs.6). However, as we look up to the throne of Christ and we chase after Him, without reservations, we are assured that when He appears, we will also appear with Him in glory. May you not miss out on that forthcoming glory in Jesus’ name!

Action Point: “Determine to pursue valiantly the life above and with the help of God, you shall not miss the mark.”

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