The great commission, wonderful task


Christianity cannot be effective and realization if we fail to obey the ‘great commission’ given to us by Christ.

What is commission? According to Oxford dictionary, commission is:
1.       An instruction, command, or duty.
2.       An order for something to be produced and
      3.       A group of people given official authority to do something.

The above definitions are summed as an instruction given to us by Christ to preach the gospel to the sinners around us and also, it is to produce people who will love God with all their heart, with all their soul, and with all their mind so that they will live. Christ’s commission to us cannot be overemphasized, He instructed us in Mark 16:15 to “… Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” That is to say, we are mandated to go and recover all the lost souls who are devil have put in captivity.

Christians, born again believers cannot overlook the urgency of this commission which Christ has given to us because it shows our obedience to Christ. It is part of the way we show our love to God and man. This is a command that cannot be overlooked for any reason. Let’s be wise in our dealing with the things of God. If we are ready to see God then, we must be show mercy to the dying souls around us by showing them the way to live, that is the way to heaven because it is appointed every man to die ones and after this, the judgment.

Preaching the gospel is not left the ministers alone as some think, but, it is calls to everyone who professed to love God and are born again.

Apostle Paul, in his letter to Timothy in 2 Timothy 4:2 said; “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine.” Believer should see any opportunity as a means to preach the gospel thereby reaching to the lost souls around them and far way.

The mind of Christ Jesus was to bring everyone to repentance, and he expect us to  have the same mind which was in him, and the scripture said; ”Let this mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus” Philippians 2:5.
When Christ was here on earth, His  mindset was to draw all nation to the obedience to God, that’s why he want from city-to-city and nation-to-nation preaching the word and healing all manner of deceases among people, we also ought to fellow His footprint.

What are the divine guidelines to reach to sinner around us? The scripture have instructed us in Matthew 28:19-20 by saying; 
“Go ye therefore and teach all nation, baptizing them in them of the Father,  and the Son  and the Holy Ghost: Teaching them  to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you always even unto the end of the world. Amen.” 
I hope you noticed the words in bold? Those are the major things we should consider when reaching out to sinners around us. Obedience to divine commission brings security to us. When we are working for the expansion of the Kingdom of heaven, god is also busy working for the expansion of our life here on earth and in heaven. Therefore, let us rise and work for this urgent commission which is set before us.   
Remember, obedience brings blessing.

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