Trouble is one of the things that we must face in life.
Life is built in trouble and challenges, those who are
successful are those who defended their faith and conviction jealously.
In this short post, I am urging you to defend your faith no
matter what you may be passing through in life. Know that, challenges and
trouble are meant to sharpen our conviction in Christ and our quest to make
heaven. Heaven is not for the feeble minded people; rather, it is for those
that are strong in faith.
Faith makes us stand in the days of adversities. Your faith
cannot work until you put it into
Let’s take close look at the life of Job. What are the
things that made him stand? Why his later end did became greatly than his
former (Job 42:12-15)?
The answer is simple; Faith. Job defended the faith which
was ones delivered unto the saints judiciously (Jude 1:3).
Job 2:9-10, told us more about this man, Job, he knew how to
defend his faith and integrity despite the pressure from his own wife. Becareful,
your close relative/friend may deceive you to “curse God, and die” – Job 2:9.
This was the situation that Job found himself into. His wife
advised him to curse God and die. The pressure was much on him; even his
friends came to his. He is our perfect
example in defending the faith. The
real gold is discovered when it passed through the fire. Don’t sin in the days
of adversities because there is light at the end of the tunnel.
I want to close with
these scriptural passages:
“Then said his wife unto him, Dost thou still retain thine
integrity? Curse God, and die. But he said unto her, thou speakest as one of
the foolish women speaketh. What? Shall we receive good at the hand of God, and
shall we not receive evil? In all this did not Job sin with his lips” (Job
The above was the conversation between Job and his wife. Never
think of what you have lost today, think of the greater future ahead.
My advice to you is that the condition you find yourself
today is not the worst in the world and in history of man. Manu have passed
through them and still make it at last.
Your prayer should be, Lord, help me to act wisely in the
time of adversity.
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