"This know also, that in the last days perilous time shall come.
For men shall be........covetous....."2 Timothy 3:1-2
friends, we are in end times, and this end times is a perilous time. Because the bible says, these last days, perilous time shall come.
Perilous times is the most difficult time this world has ever pass through, we are in it already!
It is a period when so many believers in Christ will miss the track. They will compromise their faith, for money and materials. They will compromise their faith for men, or women, immorality, drunkenness, and sexual perversion.etc.
This end time is a period of apostasy, people will leave strong heavens doctrine of all round holiness and discipline to weak biblical teachings which only establish them on the world territory, and after death face judgment to hell! Because it lacks holiness, and discipline, which could guarantee their eternal life in heaven!
And one of the end times virus which we are discussing today is, covetousness, the Bible says this end times, men shall be covetous:
covetousness is an act of wishing or desiring eagerly, something that belong to another person!
That is end time virus which has destroyed and destroying so many believers in Christ.
It is the reason why so many today, believers and even unbelievers, take what does not belong to them. So many married men and women still desire another women and men outside. Covetousness is the brain behind polygamy.
It is the brain behind all embezzlement, armed robbery, etc.
So many men and women are lamenting today because they married by covetousness!
And so many young men and women are in that process now, because my husband to be must be this, my wife to be must that.etc. Many women and men did not marry man, or women, but cars, money, and house, so if they the purpose that marriage got finished, then the marriage has finished!
Covetousness is the reason why so many pastors embezzle church or ministry money. So many ushers become thieves, by taking parts of offerings. In some places, Pastors collide with the ushers, or accountants to defraud God’s resources!
A learnt of a minister of god who supervised a particular project under a ministry defrauded the ministry of about 62,500 dollars! When it was discovered, they sacked him and retrieved his official car. But the following week, he went and bought another car with joy, without any sign of remorse of misdeed! It is a pity!
Why? Because, we are in the perilous times. It is a time when people will deny Christ Jesus because of money and materials, men, women. etc, and one of the end time virus is covetousness! It is eating so many very hard and deep today!
And The Spiritual Anti Virus For Covetousness are:
a. Repent and converted. Acts.3:19.
b. Be born again indeed. 2 Corinthians 5:17.
c. Genuine surrender your life to Jesus. John .3:16.
d. Let the word of Christ dwells in you richly in all wisdom. Colossians 3:16.
e. Be doer of God’s word. James 1:22-25.
f. Resist every test and temptation. James 4:7.
g. Be content with what you are and have per time.
h. Let this be at the back of your mind that, what so ever you don’t have today, you don’t need it, so god will give you at his own appointed time, at the appropriate time. So don’t covet, because what so ever you don’t have today, you will have tomorrow!
Friend, if eternal life in heaven is your choice, then contentment must be your passage!!!
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